September 20, 2018
UIC 2018-19 theater season offers contemporary takes on classic playsPerformances run from Sept. 28 to April 20 at UIC
September 18, 2018
La UIC Elogiada con Premio Nacional de Diversidad, InclusiónUIC recibió el premio por su compromiso y liderazgo con respecto a la diversidad en el campus
September 17, 2018
UIC lauded with national award for diversity, inclusionOldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education recognizes UIC
September 12, 2018
UIC continúa crecimiento de inscripción con 31.683 estudiantesEstudiantes hispanos conforman 33.5 por ciento de los estudiantes con 6.967 matriculados este año, continuando una escala de cinco años.
September 12, 2018
UIC continues record enrollment growth with 31,683 studentsTotal enrollment for fall semester maintains upward trend that began four years ago
September 10, 2018
UIC Presenta Casa Abierta 2018La UIC Expo permite a las personas a conocer los colegios y comunidad de la UIC
August 31, 2018
UIC faculty member among 5 chosen as US-Japan creative artist fellows175 US artists have participated since 1978
August 10, 2018
UIC Campus Film Office spotlights ‘Chicago’s Most Film Friendly Campus’‘We are showcasing that it’s easy to film here,’ says Miguel Alba, director of UIC Campus Film Office
July 11, 2018
‘Call Me MISTER’ initiative comes to UIC to train more teachers of colorAbout 2 percent of teachers in the elementary grades nationally are male and black.