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Current top stories at UIC

The University of Illinois Chicago’s new director of intercollegiate athletics Andrea Williams

UIC names Andrea Williams director of intercollegiate athletics

Williams has more than 25 years of experience in collegiate and professional sports.

A space craft with two wide rectangular panels hovers above a white and brown moon with the planet Jupiter in the background.

UIC researchers part of NASA team exploring Jupiter moon

Scientists will use spacecraft’s radio waves to study undersea geology of Europa

A blue cartoon man and a red cartoon man are separated by a thick black line.

UIC video excels in Science megastudy on political polarization

Researchers explore media interventions to reduce partisanship

Super-fast microscopes may help researchers map entire mouse brain

New method could capture ‘wiring diagram’ of the brain in years instead of decades

Lost to time: Who made the crafts at Hull-House?

Hull-House show spotlights century-old textiles and their unknown makers

  • Campus News & Student Life

    UIC names Andrea Williams director of intercollegiate athletics

  • Research

    UIC researchers part of NASA team exploring Jupiter moon

  • Research Briefs

    UIC video excels in Science megastudy on political polarization

  • Research

    Super-fast microscopes may help researchers map entire mouse brain

  • Campus

    Lost to time: Who made the crafts at Hull-House?

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Students with UIC Student Leadership and Civic Engagement handing out voting information at the east side of campus Sept. 17, 2024. (Jenny Fontaine / UIC)

How and where to vote at UIC in 2024 election

UIC’s high rate of voter participation among students has earned it recognition from the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.

read more How and where to vote at UIC in 2024 election

A group of students standing at the Chicago Marathon before dawn.

More than 50 UIC students volunteer at Chicago Marathon

At the finish line, students preparing for kinesiology careers get hands-on experience

read more More than 50 UIC students volunteer at Chicago Marathon