October 16, 2018
For-profit nursing home residents more likely to be diagnosed with neglect issuesOlder adults who are cared for at home have fewest signs of neglect
May 9, 2017
Seniors who live with their abusers often suffer recurrent abuseBetter education for health care workers needed
August 25, 2015
$2.5 million federal grant will improve care of older adultsOnline program will train primary physicians in geriatric care
July 28, 2015
Exercise program fights arthritis, keeps older adults on the moveUIC-developed Fit & Strong! breaks cycle of weakening, joint pain
April 2, 2015
Raising retirement age widens benefit disparities for disadvantagedPopulations with shorter lifespans would lose with Social Security at 70
March 17, 2015
Helping older adults, prosthetic wearers find balanceNoah Rosenblatt’s research aims to keep people upright
February 24, 2015
Have a good trip, see you next fall: training adults to prevent injuryResearcher of the Year Clive Pai helps people learn to fall
January 27, 2015
Health benefits of playing catch: fewer falls for older adultsTraining exercise could improve balance, researcher says
January 9, 2015
Playing catch can improve balance, prevent falls in older adultsResearch finds improvement after exercises with weighted medicine ball
April 15, 2014
Prevent injuries by teaching people to fall, or not to fallResearchers developing treadmill program for physical therapy