All nanotechnology

Graphene quantum dots deposited on a sporating bacteria

March 24, 2015

Tiny bio-robot is a germ suited-up with graphene quantum dots

Using nanotechnology, researchers create humidity sensor on spore

Hayat Onyuksel receives "The Special Prize" award from the Turkish Republic

March 3, 2015

Turkish Republic honors UIC researcher with science prize

Native country presents award for top scientists

Azeem Rehman

February 3, 2015

Research for lifelong learning, not just a line on his CV

‘He’s a star,’ professor says of Peoria medical student

December 18, 2014

New chancellor: excited, honored, humbled by UIC opportunity

For public research universities, ‘future is bright, best days are ahead’

December 18, 2014

South Carolina educator named new UIC chancellor

Engineering researcher, administrator at SC flagship campus

November 25, 2014

Fascinated by science on a very small scale

Engineering researcher studies ‘small jets, tiny droplets and thin films’

September 22, 2014

Graphene flaws key to creating hypersensitive ‘electronic nose’

Crystal grain boundaries attract and detect gas molecules


September 4, 2014

Magnetic nanocubes self-assemble into helical superstructures

Spiral crystals develop ‘handedness’ that does not come from nanoparticle building blocks

Wenjing Rao

July 16, 2013

Improving performance of nanotransistor technology

How do you guarantee ultra-small electronic circuits will perform reliably?

Seungpyo Hong

February 19, 2013

Celebrating UIC Researchers of the Year

UIC honors 12 outstanding researchers, innovators and inventors.

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