Improving education

Steven G. Rivkin, professor and head of economics

Steven Rivkin, professor and head of economics, talks about a new study on the changing demographics of students in U.S. News & World Report.


“Things like charter schools and more leadership, and the empowerment of parents – those can be channels through which they are promising in terms of raising the quality of education for disadvantaged children.”


Steven Rivkin, professor and head of economics, about a new study on the changing demographics of students in the U.S., Jan. 26 U.S. News & World Report.


“I don’t remember seeing approval ratings this low with any mayor in recent history.”

Dick Simpson, professor of political science, about the results of a recent poll that indicated Mayor Rahm Emanuel has low approval ratings across various segments of the city’s population, FOX 32 (WFLD-TV).


“With these new technologies, we need to not only look at how cool they are from the industrial engineering point of view, but we have to look at what ought we be doing to be safe from a health point of view.”


Peter Orris, chief of occupational and environmental medicine for the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System, on studying the potentially harmful effects of new technologies such as 3D printers as they roll out to the public, Feb. 2 Chicago Tribune.




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