Do bike lanes make campus sidewalks safer?

bike lane marker on the sidewalk

Chalk-drawn bike lanes are part of a campus pilot study on bicyclist and pedestrian interaction. Photo: Kate Yoshida/Office of Sustainability

Bike lanes or no bike lanes?

That’s one thing Facilities Management and the Office of Sustainability is considering in the second phase of a pilot study on bike and pedestrian interaction on campus.

Chalk-drawn bike lanes were added Tuesday to east campus sidewalks. The lanes (which also appeared during the summer) and the second phase of the study will end when weather washes the chalk away.

“These are just explorations designed to elicit feedback from the all-campus community, regardless of how you move around from place-to-place,” said Kate Yoshida, program coordinator in the Office of Sustainability.

The study will investigate whether bike lanes add safety in heavily trafficked areas, Yoshida said. There are no plans to make the bike lanes permanent yet.

“We’re really interested in what people will think, if these kinds of modifications could help make them feel safer and more comfortable,” she said.

Students, faculty and staff can fill out a survey about their experience with campus walkways by Sept. 30 online.

Participants can remain anonymous or provide an email address for a chance to win a $25 UIC Bookstore gift card.

Send comments and questions to Yoshida at

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