Chicago Stock Exchange sale
“As time goes on, people will laugh at us for putting wires in people’s brains. Right now we are treating symptoms. Eventually, treatments will be aimed at the cause and not the effect.”
Konstantin Slavin, professor of neurological surgery, on a relatively new treatment for epilepsy that involves implanting an electronic stimulation device in the brain to help stop seizures, Feb. 6 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“It has the potential to raise Chicago’s profile in China.”
Dale Rosenthal, clinical assistant professor of finance, on the purchase of the Chicago Stock Exchange by a Chinese investment group, Feb. 5 BloombergBusiness.
“To win, she’s needed to become a much better political candidate than she’s ever been before. It’s hard to see it.”
Dick Simpson, professor of political science, on Cook County state’s attorney Anita Alvarez’s chances of winning the Democratic primary in March, Chicago Magazine.