August 25, 2015
$2.5 million federal grant will improve care of older adultsOnline program will train primary physicians in geriatric care
August 13, 2015
Police more likely to be killed on duty in states with high gun ownershipStudy: states with high public gun ownership have more police deaths
August 13, 2015
UIC sociologist elected to international honoraryNoted scholar studies gender, sexuality, marriage and family
August 11, 2015
Nursing researcher named to international hall of fameNurse-scientist honored for work on health issues of sexual-minority women
August 7, 2015
Familiar drugs may block Ebola virus infectionLethal disease may be stopped by drugs already used to treat other illnesses
August 3, 2015
Ban on plastic bags may not carry much weight with consumersNew law encourages sustainability, but is it enough to change behavior?
July 29, 2015
Researchers design first artificial ribosomeDiscovery could enable production of new drugs
July 15, 2015
‘Eco-Towers’ will fight climate change, author saysBook describes new and planned green high-rises worldwide
July 15, 2015
UIC, partners launch HeartRescue India to lower cardiac death rateGlobal health program supports community health project in Bangalore
July 14, 2015
UIC Schweitzer fellows want to make the world a better placeHealth sciences students work on service projects with community groups