Campus News

Sylvia Puente, executive director of the Latino Policy Forum, presents the annual Phillip J. Bowman Lecture today.
Latino paradoxes
Sylvia Puente, executive director of the Latino Policy Forum, will speak on her new report, “Fuerza Latina: A Paradox of Success and Hardship,” at the annual Phillip J. Bowman Lecture March 13.
Puente, who reports that Illinois’ Latino population is succeeding and struggling equally at unprecedented levels, will speak from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Cardinal Room, Student Center East.
An advocate of affordable housing, immigration reform, improved education for children and women’s leadership, she is a founder of the Latino Leadership Council of the Chicago Foundation for Women.
The Bowman Lecture honors the former faculty member’s contributions to UIC as professor of African American studies and director of the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy. He is now director of the University of Michigan’s National Center for Institutional Diversity.
A reception will follow the lecture. For information, call 312-413-7940.
Wanted: faculty members
The Faculty Advisory Committee seeks nominations to fill six seats.
The committee, which includes nine tenured faculty members elected for three-year terms, is selected by tenured and tenure-track faculty through ballot election.
The committee communicates faculty concerns to the administration, hears and makes recommendations on faculty grievances, and holds hearings and makes recommendations on cases involving severe sanctions short of dismissal.
Eligible faculty cannot hold an administrative position and must have at least a 75 percent appointment.
Nominating forms, due March 22, are available in the Office of the Senate, 513 Student Center East.
For more information, call 312-996-2926.
Time for a new license?
The mobile Illinois Secretary of State office will be on campus today from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Center East concourse.
Students and employees can renew their driver’s license or state ID, buy vehicle license plate stickers, register to be an organ or tissue donor, and buy specialty UIC license plates to support student scholarships.
Bridging the grant gap
As the federal deficit and budget sequestration continue, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research is offering Bridge Gap grants to researchers facing gaps in their research funding.
The Bridge grants offer short-term support to sustain ongoing research by experienced researchers while they seek external funds.
Transform democracy
The Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement, committed to transforming democracy through civic engagement, presents two brownbag lunch lectures this month and next:
• today: “Civic Engagement and the Arts,” Rosa Cabrera, director of the Latino Cultural Center, noon, Latino Cultural Center, Lecture Center B2
• April 17: “Participatory Budgeting… What’s all the buzz about,” Thea Crum, economic development planner, Great Cities Institute, 418 College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, noon.
For more information, contact or 312-355-0088.
War and peace
A public health forum Saturday examines the health consequences of war and peace.
Keynote speaker is Martin Donohoe, adjunct associate professor of community health at Portland State University and member of the Physicians for Social Responsibility’s social justice committee.
The event takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 158 College of Nursing. Admission is free and lunch is provided.
The event is co-sponsored by the UIC Social Justice Initiative, Global Health Student Interest Group and the Public Health Student Association.
Text Wars
Students can compete in an interactive game using their cellphones Friday.
The Text Wars Game Show, hosted by UIC Campus Programs, lets the audience compete via text message. Cash prizes totaling $500 will be awarded in three rounds. The event takes place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Montgomery Ward Lounge, Student Center East.
Jimmy Failla of ESPN and “The Today Show” and Ryan Reiss of MTV and VH1 will host the event.
The registered student organization with the most members checked in at the registration table will win $200.
For more information, call 312-413-5070.
Emergency preparedness
A new UIC Ready website provides resources on how the campus can best prepare for and minimize disruptions in case of emergency.
The site includes UIC’s Emergency Operations Plan, an interactive emergency guide, information about training and exercises and more.
For more information, email