Campus crime prevention: e-scooters

Dear students, faculty and staff,

Due to a recent rise in the theft of e-scooters on campus and in the city of Chicago, we are asking members of the UIC community to be especially mindful when using and securing e-scooters and bicycles.

When using an e-scooter, please obey all laws and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

After finishing your ride, be sure to lock your e-scooter to a bike rack or other fixed object that is outside of the sidewalk or other pedestrian paths.

We are also strongly encouraging you to register your e-scooter and bicycles with the UIC Police as part of our Bicycle/e-scooter Registration program. This program helps to facilitate the return of property if and when it is recovered. You can learn more about the program on the Bicycle/e-scooter Registration webpage. As a reminder, UIC policy prohibits the use of e-scooters on campus.

Finally, if you see suspicious activity around a bike rack or an e-scooter, please contact UIC Police immediately. As always, if you see something, please say something!

If you have questions or concerns, please email

Kevin Booker
Chief, UIC Police

For more information, please contact:
Sherry Krsticevic

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