Campus auto rental service moving online

Dear faculty and staff,

Last week, we notified UIC deans, directors and department heads about an important change to our Campus Auto Rental Service (CARS). As you may be aware, the service provides fleet vehicles for rental on a daily, weekly or monthly basis for use by employees conducting university business.

To ensure all current and future rental service users are aware of this procedural change, we’re writing to let you know that as of Monday, July 22, all car rental requests must now be made online through the FMweb portal and by selecting the vehicle rental tab on the left side of the page. You also can go directly to the online rental form by visiting

As part of this update, vehicle rental reservations can no longer be made by phone.

To use the online rental system, your department must have a current Departmental Driver Approval form on file for you. That will ensure the new online system works as intended and prevent requests from being rejected.

Moving the vehicle rental process online will not only create operational efficiencies but will result in a more sustainable rental system due to the elimination of paper forms.

If you have questions or need more information about this change, please email

We appreciate your cooperation as we implement this new process.

John Coronado
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

Clarence Bridges
Executive Director, Facilities Management

For more information, please contact:
Sherry Krsticevic

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