Awards & honors

Alexandra Filindra, associate professor of political science, was honored for an article she co-wrote. — Photo: Jenny Fontaine
Alexandra Filindra, associate professor of political science, and Noah Kaplan, clinical assistant professor of political science, received the best article award from the American Political Science Association’s elections, public opinion, and voting behavior section for their article “Racial Resentment and Whites’ Gun Policy Preference in Contemporary America.” The award recognizes the best article published in Political Behavior in the previous calendar year. Filindra and Kaplan will be honored Sept. 1 in San Francisco during the association’s annual meeting.
Deirdre McCloskey, professor emerita of history, won the Hayek Book Prize from the Manhattan Institute for her book, Bourgeois Equality, the culmination of her Bourgeois Trilogy. McCloskey received a $50,000 award and delivered the annual Hayek lecture June 13 in New York City.
Disability studies doctoral student Elizabeth Thomson is the vice-chair of the Association on Higher Education and Disability Standing Committee on Diversity.
Alice Butterfield, professor of social work, received a Fulbright Specialist grant to teach as a visiting lecturer from July 24 to August 8 at Assam Don Bosco University in India.
Wenpeng Xu, a doctoral student in anthropology, received a Henry Luce Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies pre-dissertation summer travel grant. The award, which provides funding for graduate students to explore venues, make preliminary research arrangements, and gain advice from Chinese scholars that prepares them for research in China, will support Xu’s research examining early Chinese ceramic production and trade.
John Hicks, a doctoral student in anthropology, received a dissertation fieldwork grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation to support his project “Volcanism and Vulnerability in the Early Colonial Period Agricultural Landscape of the South-Central Andes.” Hicks researches changes in landscape and farming in southern Peru around the 1600 eruption of Huaynaputina, one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history.