October 5, 2018
‘Chicago Alert!’ examines origins, evolution of civil defense planning in ChicagoSpecial tour of UIC Library exhibit Oct. 10
September 29, 2018
UIC pours $7.6B into Illinois economy annuallyU of I System impact: $17.5 billion annually on Illinois economy
September 26, 2018
Engineering student lands prestigious scholarship for landfill researchGirish Kumar designs stable, effective, sustainable landfills
September 25, 2018
Open House 2018More than 10,000 guests visit campus for annual showcase for academic programs, student life
September 25, 2018
New engineering organization building electric car, opportunitiesStudents can still join to help build Formula One car
September 7, 2018
UIC student among winning team at ‘Student Days Competition’By David Staudacher Huzefa Dewaswala, a master’s student in department […]
August 29, 2018
Master of energy engineering program offers two new graduate certificatesCertificates available in energy efficient building design, power generation