All Entries by Sharon Parmet

police officers wearing colored safety vests

February 9, 2016

Clashes with cops

Encounters with officers cause more injuries than civilian-only skirmishes

Salmonella bacteria

February 4, 2016

Molecular switch lets salmonella fight or evade immune system

Switch allows germs to form biofilms and lurk quietly inside host

UI Health emergency department

February 2, 2016

Grant links chronically homeless patients to housing services

Funding to help develop method for embedding housing status into electronic medical record

Jerry Krishnan

February 2, 2016

UIC to lead $13.7M clinical trial of COPD medications

Which drug is best for smokers, past smokers?

Lake pollution

February 2, 2016

Examining pollution in Great Lakes sediment

Researchers look for hazardous chemicals in sediment

police officers wearing colored safety vests

January 28, 2016

Clashes with cops more injurious than civilian-only skirmishes

40 percent hospitalized had mental illness

January 28, 2016

Woman receives rare living-donor small bowel transplant from dad

UI Health only U.S. center offering procedure

Dead Islet Cells

January 25, 2016

Encapsulated human islet cells can normalize blood sugar levels in mice

A step towards a cure for diabetes

UI Health emergency department

January 21, 2016

Grant will link chronically homeless patients to housing services

Electronic medical records could get homeless patients into housing faster

Amygdala Connectivity

January 20, 2016

Emotion-processing networks disrupted in sufferers of depression

Findings may help Identify who will benefit from continued treatment

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