All Entries by Christy Levy

Ricardo Ramirez

April 25, 2017

2017 Riddle Prize winner Ricardo Ramirez

Senior Ricardo Ramirez aims to help underserved

April 25, 2017

Police report

Criminal activity reported on and around campus

Vineeta Ram, Kathryn B. Duke, Rooshey Hasnain, and Mansha Mirza

April 18, 2017

East Meets West: Supporting refugees with disabilities

Partnership aims to link refugees with job, entrepreneurship opportunities

students posing with Sparky

April 11, 2017

UIC Ignite

Future Flames visit campus to see glimpse of UIC experience

aerial view of campus and Chicago skyline

March 14, 2017

Vice provost has global vision for campus

Neal McCrillis appointed UIC’s first vice provost for international affairs

Lee Friedman

February 28, 2017

Gunshot victims in Cook County ‘undertriaged’ to community hospitals

Patients are more likely to live on the south and west sides of county

John Coumbe-Lilley

February 28, 2017

Faculty athletic representative aims to build relationships across campus

John Coumbe-Lilley enhances student-athlete experience at UIC

Alfonse T. Masi; Researcher of the Year

February 14, 2017

Taking epidemiological approach to define, classify diseases

2016 Researcher of the Year Alfonse Masi

Serap Erdal

January 24, 2017

East Meets West: Examining air pollution in Cook County

Which residents are affected most and how does it affect their health?

December 13, 2016

Mejorando el diseño de la tecnología diabética

“Médicos y facultad del campus oeste…me ayudaron dándome las herramientas
necesarias para hacer mi idea una realidad”, dice Hector Silva

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