Public Presentations for the finalists for the Executive Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

We are pleased to announce the first two of the four finalists for the position of Executive Director of the new UIC Center for Teaching Excellence. The Executive Director will be responsible for starting up and leading the new Center, which will support all members of the UIC community who have a teaching role, including faculty and teaching assistants at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels. The Executive Director will hire and then lead a full-time staff to build a highly interactive Center that utilizes the expertise already at UIC in the areas of assessment, diversity, instructional technology, etc. to support teaching and increase student success. More information about the planning for this new Center can be found here.

Each finalist will do a public presentation about their vision for the new Center. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend as we build this new Center at UIC. The presentations will all be held at the Innovation Center – 1240 W Harrison St., room 1515, at the times and dates indicated below.

Finalist 1
Sara Stoelinga
Former Sara Liston Spurlark Director and Clinical Professor
Urban Education Institute
University of Chicago
Public Presentation: Thursday 2/21, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Finalist 2
Susanna Calkins
Director and Senior Associate Director
Faculty Initiatives and Searle Center for Advancing Learning & Teaching
Northwestern University
Public Presentation: Thursday 2/28, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Finalist 3
Public Presentation: Tuesday 3/5, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Finalist 4
Public Presentation: Thursday 3/7, 12-1 p.m.

I strongly encourage you to attend these public presentations, meet the finalists and provide  feedback. More information about each finalist can be found at:

Questions can be directed to the search coordinator, Faizan Abid,


Susan Poser
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

For more information, please contact:
Faizan Abid

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