Women’s basketball raises money for food pantry

The Flames participated in the Hunger Walk Saturday to raise money for the UIC Pop-Up Pantry. (Photo: Steve Woltmann)
The women’s basketball team and coaching staff participated in the Hunger Walk Saturday to benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository and the UIC Pop-Up Pantry.
The team and its mentors have raised hundreds of dollars for the UIC food pantry. The walk helped heighten awareness and support of food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters throughout Cook County.
“As part of the Chicago community, our team is looked up to as role models, and it’s important for us to set a positive example,” said head coach Regina Miller, “This is an especially important event because it will benefit students right here at UIC.”
The UIC Pop-Up Pantry combats food insecurity among students. The pantry has served more than 3,200 bags of food since 2014, and is partnered with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to access fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy. It is free for any registered UIC student who is experiencing a decreased access to food due to budgetary constraints.
More than 17,000 people participated in the Hunger Walk, which took participants through 2 miles of Chicago’s lakefront in Jackson Park.