University initiative aims to recruit exceptional faculty

“This investment in exceptional faculty will, over time, pay dividends multifold,” says University President Tim Killeen.
The University of Illinois System will embark on a three-year, $60 million initiative to recruit world-class faculty to its universities in Chicago, Urbana-Champaign and Springfield.
The objective is to attract tenured, high-achieving faculty of national and international distinction in a broad range of academic and research disciplines who can help transform the three universities because of their exceptional scholarship and teaching.
“This investment in exceptional faculty will, over time, pay dividends multifold by building up and reinforcing our ranks of world-class scholars and educators,” University President Tim Killeen said. “We must — and shall — remain a magnet for stellar academic talent and this new effort reconfirms our long-standing commitment to continued excellence for the University of Illinois System.”
The President’s Distinguished Faculty Recruitment Program will be funded by System Offices with matching funds from each of the universities. The offices of the president and the executive vice president will provide a total of $10 million each year, and the three universities will collectively match a total of $10 million per year for three years.
The funds are to be used for new faculty start-up costs, such as purchase of equipment, renovation of space, graduate student support, and other needs associated with supporting research and teaching of prominent faculty. Faculty salaries will not be covered. The goal is to recruit 10 to 15 “star faculty” each year, for a total of 45 system-wide in three years.
The program is contingent on full-year state funding of an appropriation for the U of I System for fiscal 2018 and subsequent years.
The universities may apply for matching funds to support the recruitment of rising star associate or full professors who are engaged in cutting-edge scholarship or creative activities, who are working in areas of high or emerging student demand, and who are able to provide transformative excellence to university missions. Emphasis also will be placed on faculty who enhance the diversity of departments and colleges at the three universities.