UIC Help Center, unified IT website launching this Monday

UIC Help Center
Powered by TeamDynamix, the UIC Help Center (help.uic.edu) will provide the UIC Community with a one-stop-shop to find and request services, search for answers and get support. This new tool consolidates the websites below with the goal to centralize and simplify finding information, and improve your experience.
- Request Tracker (RT) Helpdesk – accc.helpdesk.uic.edu
- Technology Solutions Service Catalog – accc.uic.edu/services
- Knowledge Base -answers.uic.edu
The TeamDynamix platform is being implemented in partnership with our peers across the UofI System (UIUC, UIS, System Offices), and Technology Solutions is the first unit at UIC to move into this platform. Technology Solutions will be working with units across UIC over the coming months to add more service providers, including non-IT areas, enabling cross-functional and collaborative work to improve the client experience.
New unified IT website
Also launching Feb. 22 is the new it.uic.edu website. This site aims to optimize communication channels and share academic IT information in a way that is most effective for the UIC community, while also serving as a channel for the IT community to obtain and exchange information.
With the Technology Solutions service catalog being transitioned to the UIC Help Center, any remaining content from the Technology Solutions website (accc.uic.edu) will be moving to the new IT at UIC website (it.uic.edu), and the accc.uic.edu website will be retired.
Transition and downtime
Transition work to the UIC Help Center will be occurring this Saturday, Feb. 20, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., which will result in some limited downtime for our website and support systems. After this downtime, the Help Center and the IT website will be available for use.
As a reminder, there are some changes you will see as part of this transition starting next week, including fewer email addresses to contact support, a new way to submit service requests and find answers, and a new look and feel for the emails you receive from the Help Center.
While you will still be able to reach us at some select email addresses, and via phone, the primary method for getting help from Technology Solutions starting Feb. 22, will be by visiting help.uic.edu to see and request our available services, access self-help documentation, and submit a question or report a problem.
Learn more
Technology Solutions is excited to work with our partners and launch these changes to improve the client experience and continue to support our mission of inspiring excellence through information technology. For more information on the UIC Help Center visit go.uic.edu/introducing-uic-help-center.