Campus technology tools help students succeed

Students can collaborate, get technical help, print documents and recharge their devices at C-stop locations across campus. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services
By Lauren Berceau —
The Academic Computing and Communications Center has the technology you need to succeed. ACCC services include technology support, tools and systems for all UIC students, faculty and staff.
Here are some locations and popular services. For more, follow @uic_accc on Twitter.
Work, collaborate, recharge, print. Need help connecting to UIC-WiFi or setting up your UIC email account? Stop by one of our locations to get in-person support.
Faculty services: professional and course development, technology support, individual and group consultations on instructional design and integration of technology into teaching.
Wireless Internet
The UIC-WiFi public network can be used by anyone with a valid UIC NetID and password. Res-Net is available in the UIC resident halls to access the internet. For help using WiFi or Res-Net, visit a C-stop or email
Traveling? Connect to the Eduroam wireless network on campus one time and get access to wifi at hundreds of other institutions worldwide. No login or reconfiguration required.
Free for all UIC students (faculty and staff for personal use) with a valid UIC NetID. Full installation of Office applications on PC, Mac and mobile devices. Free online storage and extra features for tablet and smartphone.
Storage is a secure cloud-based file storage service with 50GB of free space. offers over 1,000 tutorials on leading software topics, taught by industry experts.
U-Print is the student printing system, available throughout campus. Students get $15 free Dragon Dollars for printing each semester.
Web-Based Course Sites
Blackboard Learn is an online learning system. Instructors create, administer, track, and deliver digital course content that students can access at any time.
Never share your UIC log-in credentials with anyone. Think your laptop has been compromised? Get a free system check at C-stop.