Small world, scarce resources

Nursing professor Julienne Rutherford talks with the New York Times about sexual harassment in science. Photo: Mark Mershon/College of Nursing
“Our world is small and our resources are scarce.”
Julienne Rutherford, assistant professor of women, child and family health science in the College of Nursing, on the loss to society when sexual harassment prevents women from following careers in science, Aug. 11 New York Times
“This threatens the FDA’s ability to take strong actions against tobacco. If they can’t demonstrate that there is a significant economic benefit to doing it, then it makes their job much harder.”
Frank Chaloupka, professor of economics and director of the UIC Health Policy Center, on a new cost-benefit calculation that found benefits from reducing smoking must be discounted by 70 percent to offset the loss in pleasure from quitting, Aug. 6 New York Times

Economist Frank Chaloupka discusses a cost-benefit analysis of smoking cessation. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services
“Patients often delay seeking medical attention because they don’t know when to contact their doctor. So we made sure our intervention includes education to recognize when they’re getting worse, information about whom to contact when that happens, and access to support groups where they can get additional advice.”
Jerry Krishnan, professor of medicine and public health and associate vice president for population health sciences, on research funded by the Affordable Care Act to improve health care delivery and outcomes, Aug. 10 Chicago Tribune
“Immunosupression is the main ethical concern and new therapies are crucial for the future of this field.”
Maria Siemionow, professor of orthopaedic surgery, on new developments in face transplantation, Aug. 6