All students

Fuego dance group members Julio Morales, Maritza Crespo, Krystal Velazquez, Calvin Stuckey, Jyson Alicea

January 21, 2014

Students find their place on campus

Involvement Fair showcases organizations

Linda Deanna and Lon Kaufman cut the ribbon to open the center

January 21, 2014

New visitors center offers warm welcome to UIC

Showcases campus to prospective, admitted students and families

December 10, 2013

Student leaders working on online courses, building evaluations

News from Undergraduate Student Government

stack of books

December 3, 2013

Textbooks too expensive? Two lawmakers work on remedies

Hope in sight with Affordable College Textbook Act

Movimiento Latino dancers

November 26, 2013

Cultural showcase presents diversity through dance

Student groups perform to packed room at talent competition

Jennifer Geiman speaks at the signing of the Marriage Equality Bill

November 20, 2013

Student LGBT leader proud to be part of historic moment

LGBT campus group worked for success of marriage equality bill

UIC's Pyro Paddlers Dragon Boat racing team

November 19, 2013

Getting the most out of your UIC Experience

Looking for a great way to get involved on campus?

Fransely Robles

November 19, 2013

‘Fierce determination’ to make a difference in the world

Student’s goal: to connect faith-based, LGBTQ communities

military dog tags hanging

November 12, 2013

Art exhibit tells student veterans’ stories

Displays offer glimpse of life during deployment with photos, personal items

Disa DiBuono, Melissa Williams, and Antoinette Mayfield

November 12, 2013

Student Legal Services helps every step of the way

Not treated fairly? Campus attorney’s office offers assistance

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