All prostate cancer

Rows of soy bean plants

July 9, 2013

Soy does not reduce recurrence of prostate cancer

Results at odds with studies suggesting chemopreventive effects

Gail Prins

June 17, 2013

Early BPA exposure increases risk of adult cancer

First direct evidence of dangers from common plastic additive

Dr. Howard Ozer

May 31, 2013

UI Cancer Center, Big Ten partner to fight cancer

University cancer researchers join forces against a common foe

September 6, 2012

Genetic Link to Prostate Cancer Risk in African Americans Found

Prostate cancer in African-American men is associated with specific changes in the IL-16 gene, and by establishing the link in men of African as well as European descent, researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine may have found a useful new biomarker for prostate cancer.

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