All prostate cancer

July 29, 2015

Prostate ‘organoid’ hints at how early BPA exposure may increase cancer risk

New findings show how exposure to common chemical may affect prostate

Tesla car decorated for "Drive for Men's Health"

June 12, 2015

Tesla makes pit-stop at UIC to remind men to see their doctors

Health awareness: more men remember first car than last visit to doc

March 26, 2015

Defense grant helps UIC urologist bring prostate cancer into focus

UIC-developed imaging may show aggressive tumors needing treatment

January 15, 2015

Facing the facts about men’s health, prostate cancer

UIC Movember team raises awareness about risks, importance of screenings

October 7, 2014

Testosterone stimulates prostate cancer in animal model

Caution urged for men using testosterone therapy

Gail Prins

April 29, 2014

Researcher honored for studies of BPA, cancer

Gail Prins studies link between prostate cancer, chemical in plastics

Gail Prins

April 7, 2014

Researcher honored for findings on hazards of BPA

Showed link between fetal exposure to plastic additive, adult prostate cancer

Condensation inside a water bottle

February 11, 2014

Exposure to BPA linked to prostate cancer later in life

Common chemical in plastics ‘hard to avoid’

water bottle

January 7, 2014

BPA increases risk of cancer in human prostate tissue

Fetal exposure to common plastic additive may have serious results later

Gail Prins

September 10, 2013

Early BPA exposure boosts men’s cancer risk

Additive common in plastic bottles, soup can liners

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