All online learning

January 12, 2021

Wearable technology course expands to meet demand

Spring semester virtual class offered after success of fall course

September 1, 2020

Online learning allows students to discover ‘incredible implications of wearable technology’

Students creating technology from kits mailed to their homes

August 14, 2020

Nutritionist designs online curriculum to empower students in their home kitchens

Renea Lyles reinvents culinary lab environment in online learning format

August 10, 2020

Graphic design instructor ensures students’ online learning experience is ‘different and enjoyable’

“Teaching in this new mode was as successful and fulfilling as the traditional way and in some ways better.”

August 5, 2020

First-year seminars

Dear faculty, students and staff, In response to input from […]

Zachary McDowell, Assistant Professor in Communication

July 17, 2020

The ‘3 Rs’ of online learning: reading, reaching out and respect

LAS faculty member Zachary McDowell shares tips for supporting students

Chris Kanich

July 6, 2020

Computer science instructor credits course success to online learning

Associate professor Chris Kanich used many tools and resources to teach his computer science class online

June 22, 2020

Online learning boosts class participation

Online learning ‘promoted mutual learning among students and also helped me, as the instructor,’ says Ning Ai

June 12, 2020

UIC successfully shifts to e-learning

Faculty, students quickly pivot to online learning during pandemic

June 5, 2020

Serving students while teaching about global pandemic through e-learning

Students live what they learn in microbiology course

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