All nursing

February 27, 2023

Nursing faculty member creates tool to improve diagnostic skills

Leah Burt publishes results of a pilot study of the diagnostic tool

September 13, 2022

UIC Nursing study seeks to improve the return of research results to participants

Pilot study includes participants enrolled in $22 million, NIH-funded study of long COVID-19

March 1, 2022

Faculty member helps launch Rwanda’s first master’s in midwifery program

Inaugural class to begin midwifery program in April

Blue, Green and White Tilt Shift Lens Illustration. Surgery smoke

August 23, 2021

Nurse leaders instrumental in new state law ensuring clean air in operating rooms

The new law mandates surgical facilities have surgical smoke evacuation policies and practices.

Dr. Steven Irwin and his wife Kathleen Irwin for whom an endowed chair will be named.

July 8, 2021

Couple endows chair to honor nursing career

Gift establishes the Kathleen M. Irwin Endowed Chair Professorship in Outstanding Nursing Practice

June 15, 2021

UIC Nursing alumni mentor program finds meaning during COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 health crisis underscores the importance of mentor, mentee relationships arranged through the UIC Nursing Alumni Mentor Program

June 15, 2021

Renowned researcher named UIC Nursing 2021 Distinguished Alum

Tonda Hughes is a pioneer in the field of lesbian and bisexual women’s health

June 14, 2021

UIC Nursing faculty member wins seed money for wound drain device

Peggi White inspired to develop a better wound drain after son’s surgery

March 17, 2021

UIC Nursing study: Clinic no-show rates dropped with telehealth

No-show rates dropped significantly and there was an increase in new-patient visits at the UIC College of Nursing nurse-managed clinic after it transitioned to telehealth last spring in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

bucket of cleaning supplies

February 10, 2021

Survey: Cleaning product use affecting asthma more during COVID-19 measures

Those with asthma are experiencing less asthma control related to an increase in using household disinfectants – known asthma triggers — because of COVID-19.

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