June 9, 2023
New LAS dean’s focus: Highlight faculty research, teachingLisa Freeman joined UIC as a faculty member in 1994
June 2, 2022
UIC lecturer awarded fellowship from The HistoryMakersMargena Christian to incorporate The HistoryMakers Digital Archive within English course
February 25, 2022
Recent and forthcoming books by UIC facultyPublications demonstrate breadth and depth of UIC faculty research and expertise
February 14, 2022
UIC scholar receives lifetime achievement awardBarbara Ransby honored by the Caribbean Philosophical Association
February 9, 2022
Interim regional dean to lead College of Medicine’s Peoria campusDr. Meenakshy Aiyer appointed regional dean
December 9, 2021
Early, mid-career women experienced higher stress than other academics during pandemicNew research explores patterns of personal and work characteristics that highlight how scholarly activity was affected by COVID-19
December 11, 2020
Faculty publications for your winter reading listExplore a new subject area or relax on a winter day with an interesting book
August 15, 2020
Clarification for Faculty Teaching on CampusDear Faculty, On the advice of the Faculty Senate Executive […]
June 6, 2019
US Surgeon General to speak Friday at UIC during opioid conferenceFederal officials to address third annual opioid conference attendees
April 8, 2019
Latin American, Latino Studies highlights faculty worksApril 11 marks a special celebration for the Latin American […]