All COVID-19

October 28, 2020

Study tracks public concerns on Twitter about COVID-19

As the pandemic continues to evolve, the public seems to be more optimistic

Show you care logo

October 22, 2020

Message from the Chancellor

Dear students, faculty and staff, As we carefully monitor the […]

Ultrastructural morphology exhibited by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

October 20, 2020

UIC part of $7.4M grant to respond to COVID-19, prepare for future pandemics

Two projects led by UIC teams receive funds to generate COVID-19 data and insights to better understand transmission of the virus and inform public health policy

Cartoon illustration from UIC's P2P campaign, an online teen depression prevention intervention

October 8, 2020

Mental health campaign aims to build teen resilience during COVID-19

UIC pediatric researchers help teens through crisis

September 25, 2020

COVID-19 Safety Tips

Dear students, faculty and staff, The University of Illinois Chicago’s […]

Jeffrey Loeb; experts guide

September 23, 2020

Four UIC faculty members earn DPI funding

Funding supports development of international centers of excellence

Ultrastructural morphology exhibited by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

September 16, 2020

Potential COVID-19 drug azithromycin may increase risk for cardiac events

Risks exist if drug is taken with other commonly prescribed medications


September 14, 2020

Hopelessness in heart patients study to factor in COVID-19

Study extended to factor shelter-in-place and physical distancing effects on heart patients

September 11, 2020

Saliva Testing Update

Dear students, faculty and staff, UIC’s saliva-based testing program will […]

September 4, 2020

Message from the Chancellor

Dear students, faculty and staff, The fall semester is off […]

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