All College of Pharmacy

Streptococcus bacteria

October 4, 2018

Building a public library of bacteria to facilitate drug discovery research

National Institutes of Health funds UIC research

prescription drugs

August 27, 2018

Study finds 1 in 12 children taking multiple medications at risk

Teenage girls are most vulnerable to harmful drug-drug interactions

Milk Thistle

August 1, 2018

Medicinal plants to be showcased at garden walk

Learn about medicinal plant products

prescription drugs

June 18, 2018

Use of alternative medicines has doubled among kids, especially teens

Supplement use varies by gender, reflects other health issues

spilled bottle of prescription pills
Yury Polikanov and Alexander Mankin

April 6, 2018

A new class of antibiotics to combat drug resistance

Newly discovered antibiotic binds to ribosome, disrupts protein synthesis

Breast cancer awareness bracelets that read "Share Beauty. Spread Hope."

March 21, 2018

UIC breast cancer drug in first human clinical trial

Pharmacy researchers to analyze results for predictive biomarker

Jim Wang; University Scholars

February 26, 2018

NIH awards $4.6 million for chronic pain research

UIC researcher receives R35 Outstanding Investigator Award

Michael Federle, Researcher of the Year

February 6, 2018

New compound may stop bacteria from causing sickness

UIC research sheds light on Streptococcus bacteria signaling

Alexander Mankin, professor of medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy

December 11, 2017

Teaching antibiotics to be more effective killers

UIC study sheds light on the mechanism of action of antibiotics that kill bacteria

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