All Break Through Tech

UIC Students at a recent codeathon event at the Fitch Group.

July 2, 2024

Break Through Tech Chicago expands with semester-long consultancy

Break Through Tech Chicago has connected hundreds of students to more than two dozen organizations

A UIC student (Trish Le) works at her computer in a Morningstar conference room while another UIC graduate (Jessica Alba) leans over and looks at the screen. They look focused.

August 22, 2022

A new vision for tech in Chicago

UIC’s Break Through Tech Chicago partners with equity-focused companies to support women, nonbinary students

May 9, 2022

17 companies tap more than 100 UIC students to tackle tech challenges

Micro-internships help address gender imbalance in tech

University of Illinois Chicago Break Through Tech Director Amita Shetty at the College of Engineering in Chicago

October 9, 2020

Break Through Tech Chicago announces strategic expert as new director

UIC computer science program aims to achieving gender equality in tech