Students can use the Panopto App to submit assignments

A person wearing a mask sits in front of a computer with a person on the screen

Are you considering using video for a student assignment? Use the Panopto app to make it easier for students to record a video and post on Blackboard.

Panopto’s mobile application allows anyone in the UIC community to install the Panopto app on a phone or computer. This app will record videos and automatically upload them to Panopto. The link to the uploaded video can be then posted to an assignment, discussion board, or even emailed to the instructor. Any video in Panopto can be restricted to be viewed by one person or a specific group. As an added bonus, videos uploaded to Panopto do not count toward course quotas and the video comes with key features for streaming and accessibility (note that any video, even recorded by students, must have captions, which Panopto will generate for you).

Panopto videos can include comments, and they can be viewed at high or low quality to save data on cellular plans. If students record videos with another software, you can still upload it to Panopto’s video service.

Download the app today from your mobile app store:

For more information, see “How to use the Panopto Mobile app” or contact the Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence (CATE) Support team with any questions at

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