Spot Advisory: Ebola
To: Assignment Editors, News Planners, Producers and Reporters
Greater precautions needed to stop Ebola: Contrary to current recommendations, two University of Illinois at Chicago researchers recommend that healthcare workers need optimal respiratory protection when caring for Ebola patients. In a commentary published this week by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, the researchers strongly urge the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization to seek funds for the purchase and transport of powered air purifying respirators to all healthcare workers currently fighting the battle against Ebola throughout Africa and beyond. Lisa Brosseau and Rachael Jones of the UIC School of Public Health suggest that it is possible for Ebola to be transmitted through the air and conservative approaches must be taken to protect healthcare workers who may be exposed to Ebola patients.
Contact Sherri McGinnis Gonzalez, (312) 996-8277;