‘Saturday Night Live’ actor brings lots of laughs

Comedian Kenan Thompson performs a free show Jan. 31 at the UIC Forum. Photo: Joshua Clark
By Humaa Siddiqi
Thursday’s “LOL @ UIC” marked a milestone for the UIC community.
The first comedy show in an annual series featured Kenan Thompson, star of “Saturday Night Live,” and a lot of laughs.
Thompson started the free show, sponsored by Campus Programs, talking about the start of his career and getting his big break in Disney’s “The Mighty Ducks.”
He cracked a joke or two about Chicago’s freezing weather – nearly below zero.
“I got out the plane – went outside. My boss went back on the plane,” Thompson said.
The audience went wild when Thompson mentioned any of his TV shows or movies. He had the audience sing along with him to the theme song of Nickelodeon’s “All That.”
He talked about his experience working with Ben Stiller in 1995’s “Heavyweights,” working with Samuel L. Jackson in “Snakes on a Plane,” and how he lost touch with childhood co-star, Kel Mitchell from “Kenan & Kel.”
The highlight of the evening included Thompson doing his famous impersonations from “SNL,” “All That,” Nickelodeon’s “Good Burger,” and “Fat Albert.”
“I think Kenan showed a very chill, down to earth personality which made him very personable,” said Elizabeth Ramirez, senior in biology and psychology.
“I was expecting to ‘LOL’ at UIC and knowing Kenan from ‘SNL,’ I knew it’d be a good time.”
Then the audience members did the talking.
Students asked Thompson questions in a Q&A session. Some students asked for autographs or impersonations, but many questions were more serious, regarding “Saturday Night Live” and his personal life, and some were downright odd — with one audience member relentlessly serenading Thompson.
“Take the mic away from him!” Thompson joked, urging security to follow up.
The show ended with Thompson giving his final hugs and signing autographs.
His final joke: “Remember, no means no and yes means twice.”
“The ‘LOL @ UIC’ show concept was a very good idea,” Ramirez said.
“Over the years I think it will gain more popularity and maybe even be as big as Spark in the Park.”
• Humaa Siddiqi is a freshman in political science.