Renovated audiology patient-training center opens

Karen Zupko cuts the ribbon at the dedication of a therapy room in the Eye & Ear Infirmary with assistance from J. Regan Thomas, professor and head of otolaryngology.
UIC audiology patients now have a renovated area for therapy and training — where they can work independently, with an audiologist or speech language pathologist — thanks to a donation from a patient’s wife.
A dedication ceremony was held June 20 for the Jamie Stuart Hearing Empowerment Center in the UIC Illinois Eye & Ear Infirmary.
The center was renovated and upgraded with a donation from Karen Zupko, founder and president of Karen Zupko and Associates, a health care consulting company, and board member of UIC’s Now Hear This Foundation.
Jamie Stuart, Zupko’s late husband, was treated for hearing loss at UIC.