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“The single most effective way to improve student learning, at scale, is to put good principals in schools.”

Steve Tozer, coordinator of the doctoral program in Urban Education Leadership in the College of Education, on the need for principals to enable school reform, July 6 Cleveland Plain Dealer

“He knew what was going on, and he knew what was really important. He knew when to be firm, and when to just let people learn their lesson.”

Walter Podrazik, adjunct lecturer in communication and curator of the Museum of Broadcast Communications, on reasons “The Andy Griffith Show” was popular, July 3 Marketwatch

“We are seeing some really encouraging changes in the school environment.”

Lindsey Turner, research fellow in the Institute for Health Research and Policy, on a new study that found more schools are banning sugary drinks, July 5 U.S. News HealthDay

“It’s going to be a problem forever because the incentive is too high.”

Bing Liu, professor of computer science, on biased reviews posted on Yelp and other online sites, July 4 Los Angeles Times

“It is believed that a plant that is part of folklore, used for thousands of years by a population, must have something in it,” he said. “Many plants in Vietnam have been used to treat diseases. The potential for developing new medicines — that is our interest.”

Doel Soejarto, professor of pharmacognosy, on the possibilities for finding plants with medicinal properties in Vietnam now that the country is open to scientists, June 26 San Jose Mercury News

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