People: UN World No Tobacco Day

Economics professor Frank Chaloupka is the recipient of a United Nations World No Tobacco Day 2014 Award. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin
Robert Winn, associate vice president for community based practice for the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System, was appointed interim director of the U of I Cancer Center, effective June 16. Winn, a physician-scientist, is a visiting professor of medicine, pulmonary, critical care, sleep and allergy in the department of medicine.
Javier José Mendoza is the new director of UIC’s String Orchestra. Mendoza is artistic director of the Chicago Arts Orchestra and conducts with Opera Maya in Mexico. He also works with an El Sistema-inspired youth orchestra program in Latin America.
Luis Alberto Urrea, professor of English and LAS distinguished professor, received the Guild Freelancers’ Freelance Journalism Feature (Long-Form) Award for his co-authored piece “Deported Warriors,” published in the July/August 2013 issue of Playboy.
Frank Chaloupka, distinguished professor of economics, received a United Nations World No Tobacco Day 2014 Award, which recognizes individuals and organizations for accomplishments in tobacco control. Chaloupka directs the Health Policy Center of the UIC Institute for Health Research Policy, the World Health Organization’s only coordinating center for tobacco economics.
Keir Ringquist, director of rehabilitation services, received the 2014 Outstanding Alumni Award from the physical therapy program at Central Michigan University.
Alison Doubleday, assistant professor of oral biology, received the College of Dentistry’s 2014 Dr. Jon Daniel Teaching Award. The award, established in 2010 in memory of a longtime faculty member, honors instructors who have made exemplary contributions to UIC dental students’ learning.

Philip Yu received a 2014 Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Program award. Photo: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/UIC Photo Services
Philip Yu, distinguished professor and Wexler chair in information science, is one of 25 top computer science researchers from around the world to receive a 2014 Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Program award. The award will support collaboration between academic researchers and their Yahoo research counterparts.
Kathleen Sheridan, associate professor of educational psychology, and clinical lecturers Melissa Kelly and Catherine Main received a $200,000 grant from the CME Group Foundation for a website on early math for home child-care providers.
Educational policy studies associate professors Shelby Cosner and David Mayrowetz, educational psychology associate professor Kathleen Sheridan and clinical lecturer Catherine Main received a two-year, $450,000 McCormick Foundation grant to design a program to teach math to students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.
College of Nursing faculty members Carol Ferrans, professor and associate dean for research in biobehavioral health science; Barbara McFarlin, associate professor and head of women, child and family health science; Mariann Piano, professor and head of biobehavioral health science; and Julie Zerwic, executive associate dean and professor of biobehavioral health science, were inducted as fellows of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago.
Alfred Thomas, professor of English, was named the first Kosciuszko Foundation visiting professor at the University of Warsaw for the 2015 spring semester. Thomas will teach two courses in Warsaw, including one on Global Shakespeare, also the subject of his keystone lecture in March at the newly opened Shakespeare Theater in Gdansk. The Kosciuszko Foundation is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization to promote educational and cultural exchanges between the U.S. and Poland.
Judith Kegan Gardiner, professor emerita of English and gender and women’s studies, is listed among Today’s Chicago Woman magazine’s “100 Women of Inspiration.” Gardiner co-founded UIC’s gender and women’s studies program.

Caswell Evans was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree from Franklin & Marshall College, his alma mater.
Caswell Evans, associate dean for prevention and public health sciences in the College of Dentistry, was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Evans received his bachelor’s in English from Franklin & Marshall in 1965.
Marian Fitzgibbon, professor of medicine and health policy and administration, is president-elect of the Society of Behavioral Medicine for 2014-2015. Fitzgibbon is deputy director of the Institute for Health Research and Policy.
Robin Mermelstein, professor of psychology and director of the Institute for Health Research and Policy, is president-elect of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco for 2014-2015.
Hugh Vondracek, who received his bachelor’s in political science in May, was awarded a $5,000 fellowship from the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Vondracek, who received the Donald and Leah Riddle Prize for Outstanding Graduating Senior at commencement in May, will study international relations at the University of Glasgow this fall.
Graduate student Melissa Hibbard was named a dissertation fellow by the Institute for the Humanities for “Children of the Polish Republic: Child Health, Welfare, and the Shaping of Modern Poland, 1914-1939.”
Yasen Peyankov, head of theatre, directs “Hushabye,” part of Steppenwolf Theatre’s “First Look” series, opening July 26.
Michael J. Anderson, associate professor of music and president of the International Federation for Choral Music, assembled an extensive choral music project in Milan, Italy, in May in preparation for the city’s World Expo 2015. This month, he speaks on movement in choral work at the 12th China International Chorus Festival & IFCM World Youth Choral Education Conference. In August, he is scheduled to address the Tenth World Symposium on Choral Music in Seoul.