My nonmaterial wishlist

wishlist blog

I love the holiday season, and there are a million reasons why. While a lot of people enjoy the gift aspect of it all, I’m really not that into that. What I enjoy even more is being home for the holidays and spending all my time with my family, boyfriend and dog. Now is the perfect time to think about everything I have been fortunate to have happen in my life this year and to think ahead and hope that things work out. So while all the 12 year olds of the world (and probably some 22 year olds) are making gift wishlists, I have a wishlist of my own.

Here’s to some shooting stars…

  • As always, I wish for continued health for my family.
  • I hope for a job and/or job opportunities. I really hope that all of my efforts pay off.
  • I pray that 2015 and the Blackhawks bring Lord Stanley back home…
  • I hope more than just about anything that Kevin is able to graduate on time. He’s change majors and has had to put some classes on hold. We’ve had graduated twice together, and I am hoping that May brings us both a graduation.
  • I truly hope I figure out how to make sushi — er — California rolls — over winter break.
  • I wish that I find more time to read and less time to fall asleep while reading…
  • I hope that with all of the changes for the White Sox, we have a great upcoming season.
  • I wish to stay on top of my schoolwork and extracurriculars next semester-no more late nights!
  • I wish that my sister continues to excel in her graduate school program and keeps finding what makes her happy.
  • I hope that I do well as a student in my final semester…and I really hope for a 4.0!
  • I hope for more puppies in my near future! (sorry mom…)
  • I wish for the will to force me to study for the GRE as well as a solid grade on the test.
  • I hope that at some point in my life (hopefully sooner rather than later…) I own a bed larger than a twin or a twin xl (#college)
  • I hope for a less harsh winter than last year–although I have heard the predictions.
  • I hope everyone enjoys their break and is ready for a new year!
  • I wish that the months between now and May go just fast enough for them not to drag on but slow enough for me to make them count.


Holly Brenza (F)


Holly Brenza is a senior majoring in English and minoring in communications and management. In her spare time, Holly enjoys playing with her puppy, Bear, and watching the Blackhawks and White Sox, reading and trying out new recipes. After graduation, she hopes to work in public relations.


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