Last chance to get the flu vaccine on campus

UIC students and employees who wish to receive the flu vaccine on campus can make an appointment through Friday, October 30.
“As we’ve begun to see a second surge of COVID-19 across the country, getting the flu vaccine has taken on even greater importance to help keep ourselves, our families, and our UIC community healthy during the winter months of the pandemic,” said University Health Services director Dr. David C. Marder. “Getting a flu shot takes only 10 minutes and provides protection from seasonal respiratory illness at a time when it’s especially needed as UI Health and other healthcare systems respond to COVID-19.”
There’s no trick to getting the vaccine — all you have to do is make an appointment and complete a student or employee consent form prior to your scheduled appointment. Additionally, to celebrate Halloween, everyone who receives the vaccine this week will receive a sweet treat!
If you are learning or working on campus, you can get the vaccine Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at several locations, including the following:
- Student Center West, Centennial Room (first floor)
- Student Center East, Room 302, Student Center Tower
Vaccination sites have been carefully designed with your safety in mind, and appointments ensure social distancing guidelines are maintained by limiting the number of individuals for each time slot. Please be sure to wear a face covering, use hand sanitizer, and maintain at least 6 feet of distance during your scheduled appointment.
If you are learning or working from home this fall, there are many other options for you to receive your annual flu vaccine. You can receive your vaccination at a local pharmacy, your primary care provider or at a scheduled medical appointment.
“In unique and challenging times like these, it can seem like there is little that one person can do to make a difference,” Dr. Marder said. “But if each one of us takes 10 minutes out of our day to get vaccinated for the flu, that can make a huge collective difference when it comes to the health of both the UIC community and the community at large. We hope that each of you will join us in making that happen.”
For more information, visit the UIC Flu Vaccine Program website.