Finals snowfall gives students a reason to stay inside and study

Walking through snow Monday on the east side of campus. Report icy sidewalks to the snow removal hotline, 312-355-SNOW. Photo: Megan Strand/UIC News
With snow on the ground this week and more predicted, Facilities Management crews are working to keep UIC clear.
Crews clearing the campus work around the clock during storms, giving priority to the hospital and ambulatory care areas, disability-accessible entrances and parking spaces, emergency routes and public walkways.
Report any snow or ice-related problems on campus to the 24/7 UIC snow removal hotline, 312-355-7669 (312-355-SNOW). Provide information on the location and time of the problem, as well as your phone number or e-mail address for follow-up.
Although classes may be cancelled under weather conditions that create a serious threat to health and safety, UIC is never officially closed. For details, read the campus Extreme Weather Policy.
This week’s snowfall isn’t the first of the season, but it’s the first to stick around. Photos: Megan Strand/UIC News (Click on images for larger size).