Whats, Whys and Hows of Accessibility online presentation

Date / Time

September 26, 2024

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


The Office of Digital Accessibility Services invites you to attend Mark McCarthy’s presentation, the Whats, Whys and Hows of Accessibility.

This event will help attendees gain a comprehensive understanding of the disability community, including important occupational statistics and common accessibility needs. It will cover the differences between the medical and social models of disability, highlighting how each perspective impacts approaches to accessibility and accommodations.

Attendees will also learn practical strategies for integrating accessibility into their work, particularly for those new to the field. Overall, the event aims to deepen understanding of the underlying reasons for accessibility efforts, emphasizing the importance of creating inclusive environments and the vital role IT accessibility professionals play in this work.

For more information on the presentation, please visit our events page, where you also will find the Zoom link to the event. You also can contact the Office of Digital Accessibility Services at digital-a11y@uic.edu.

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