Spanish Language, Culture and the Art of Flamenco Info Session

Date / Time

February 12, 2024

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Join our information session to learn about the Spanish Language, Culture, and the Art of Flamenco study abroad program.

Our program in Alcalá de Henares, right outside of Madrid, welcomes UIC students taking upper-level Spanish courses as well as those still learning the language. Students will have the opportunity to complete general education requirements through an interdisciplinary art and culture course. Sociocultural excursions in and around Madrid will give you insight into the historical and modern day influences on Spanish culture. Your studies will culminate in a capstone trip to Andalucía (Córdoba and Granada).

All students will enroll in SPAN 225 The Art, History and Musical Nuances of Flamenco.

This information session will be led by Beth Maldonado, UIC interim faculty director, and will include Colleen Gray, assistant director of the Study Abroad Office. They will share an overview of the program, discuss the application process, and provide details for funding resources.

Register to attend via Zoom.

A recording of the session will be sent to all who register.

For more details or to apply to the program, visit the program webpage.

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