Career Development Success Series – Virtual Workshop

Date / Time

April 15, 2020

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


The CHANCE Program invites all UIC Students and Alumni (especially graduating SENIORS) to join us for our Career Development Success Series – Virtual Workshop. As our programming continues to focus on your academic, personal and professional needs in a virtual platform, we would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming Virtual WorkshopTime to Make A Move.  Hosted on Webex Videoconferencing (Wednesday, April 15th @ 4:00pm) this workshop will focus on your career moves and aspirations. If you are GRADUATING SENIOR – please make certain that you don’t miss this workshop; it could benefit  your future endeavors.

To join us in the videoconference please click on the following link:

Meeting Number: 284 028 360
Password: CHANCE
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