1st Institute for Functional and Regenerative Materials Workshop

Date / Time

January 23, 2025

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

The UIC Institute for Functional and Regenerative Materials is thrilled to announce a dynamic workshop focused on the cutting-edge fields of functional imaging and functional biomaterials. This event is designed to bring together scientists, researchers and professionals with a shared interest in these innovative areas to foster learning, networking and collaboration.

RSVP required.

About the workshop

Over the past 50 years, new materials have permeated virtually every aspect of society, revolutionizing our communication, transportation, agricultural and health care sectors. This workshop focuses on two aspects of materials science. Functional imaging involves developing new advanced microscopy techniques to characterize the structure of adaptive, smart and biological materials. In contrast, functional biomaterials involve the development of novel materials that will interface with biological systems to improve tissue and organ function. The workshop will provide a forum for interaction between medical, engineering and physical science research groups.

Join the IFRM for expert speakers, networking opportunities and to explore new collaborations.Hear from leading scientists who are shaping the future of functional imaging and functional biomaterials and gaining insights into the latest research, technologies and breakthroughs. Connect with peers and speakers in a stimulating environment designed to spark new ideas and partnerships. Discover future research and development opportunities through networking sessions and collaborative discussions.

Scientists, researchers and graduate students eager to expand their knowledge and connect with a broader network of researchers in the fields of functional imaging and biomaterials are welcome to attend at no cost — and enjoy a free lunch!

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