Employee travel

The University has issued updated guidance regarding employee business and personal travel, which is available on the UIC HR Road to Recovery website under the Travel tab. The guidance covers University-sponsored domestic travel, personal domestic travel, international travel and guidelines for travel approval.

In the case of domestic travel, the City of Chicago has issued an Emergency Travel Order directing travelers entering or returning to Chicago from certain U.S. states experiencing a surge in new COVID-19 cases to quarantine for a 14-day period from the time of last contact with the identified state.

Employees are urged to follow CDC guidance regarding domestic travel risks and for those employees living in Chicago, compliance with the above restrictions imposed by the City as indicated above.

Individuals who have been working remotely should continue to do so during this quarantine period. For employees who have been working on-site, the department may choose to allow the employee to work remotely during the quarantine period if operationally feasible. If the employee is required to work on-site and remote work cannot be assigned or completed the employee must utilize benefit time. Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), the employee would be eligible for 80 hours (two weeks) of sick leave time as a result of the local order. If the employee has exhausted use of FFCRA, the employee must utilize their university benefit time.

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