All UIC today

August 8, 2023

Researchers design new drug candidates to treat tropical parasitic infection  

A new class of compounds co-invented by UIC researchers offers potential new options for treating schistosomiasis

Mobile Migrant Team outside District 12 police station prepare to treat migrants.

August 3, 2023

UIC medical students, doctors provide migrant care

Thousands have received assistance from the Mobile Migrant Health Team

August 1, 2023

UIC leads field study on home, water safety after Ohio chemical spill 

Researchers will study the relationship between people and civil infrastructure during and after a crisis

Chest x-ray grid

July 28, 2023

AI model enables earlier detection of diabetes through chest X-rays 

Model could help physicians detect disease earlier and prevent complications

Two women sitting at a table looking at food items.

July 27, 2023

Diabetes education program receives new grant to expand in Cook County 

A program developed at UIC received $1 million from the CDC to update its model and reach new participants.

Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived heart cells

July 20, 2023

Powerhouse proteins protect heart cells from chemotherapy damage 

UIC researchers’ discovery suggests new clinical possibilities

July 18, 2023

UIC’s Government Finance Research Center releases water rate setting study of northeastern Illinois

In 2021, the Illinois General Assembly commissioned the Government Finance […]

Chicago River photo

July 17, 2023

A novel plan to recycle Chicago’s wastewater could prevent a future water crisis  

Recycling wastewater could offer a solution for communities west of Chicago running low on drinking water

Teresa Cordova, Rachel Havrelock, Krishna Reddy, UIC

July 17, 2023

Plan calls for recycling wastewater to avoid Chicago region water crisis

Report from Freshwater Lab and Great Cities Institute at UIC details a proposed “dual-pipeline” solution

Chris Kanich

July 6, 2023

Investigating new threats – and benefits – for online privacy 

Two NSF grants enable computer scientist Chris Kanich to study ad retargeting and privacy labels

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