All Health Sciences Colleges

Inspiring Grads Fall 2024. Kristian Young, Daniel Caicedo, Mumin Rabgie, Jeneane McDonald, Azizat Balogun.

December 4, 2023

Inspiring grads

How UIC helped five December graduates achieve their goals


November 28, 2023

Growing microtumors in a dish helps rapidly identify genes that drive tumor growth

The method identified promising targets for precision oncology in two types of cancer

2023 College of Dentistry Researchers group photo - (Left to right) Dr. Min Kyeong Lee, Dr. Maysaa Oubaidin, Dr. Veerasathpurush (Sath) Allareddy, Dr. Flavio José Castelli Sanchez, Dr. Mohammed H. Elnagar) Photo credit: Jenny Fontaine University of Illinois Chicago

November 16, 2023

AI, blockchain and phone scans: UIC researchers bring new technology to dentistry 

Exploring the value of the newest tech tools in the dentist’s office and dental education

Jeffrey Loeb; experts guide

November 6, 2023

NIH grant expands UIC brain bank into citywide effort to study epilepsy, brain cancer 

$5 million grant expands UIC’s network of brain tissue research to 4 new Chicago sites.

November 2, 2023

Daughter to mom who needed transplant at UI Health: ‘Don’t worry. I got your back’

When Raquel Ramirez needed a life-saving liver transplant, her daughter, Rocky, did not hesitate

Acupuncture with needles showing.

November 2, 2023

Can acupuncture alleviate certain kinds of chest pain?

NIH study to look at acupuncture as treatment for stable angina

Mile Square Health Center Bldng_UI Health Hospital

October 18, 2023

UIC, Mile Square join national trial of blood test for multi-cancer screening

Researchers will study a new test that screens for 50 types of cancer

University of Illinois College of Medicine alum Dr. G. Stephen Irwin.

October 16, 2023

UIC alumnus establishes named deanship in the College of Medicine  

Deanship will support innovative, impactful programs that further the College of Medicine’s mission

Courtesy of the Children’s Environmental Health Initiative. State health department staff discuss example maps they've created at a GIS training capacity building session led by CEHI.

October 13, 2023

For researchers tackling inequities, maps are a powerful tool

Faculty across UIC use maps, data visualization in support of positive change

Tanika Kelly and Ana Ricardo, 2023

October 12, 2023

UIC chosen among 6 study sites for national ‘multi-omics’ research consortium 

Researchers will look for new strategies to understand diabetes, chronic kidney disease.

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