All Health Sciences Colleges

Treatment with ISRIB, a small molecule inhibitor

February 8, 2024

Clues to cancer drug’s deadly side effects could make it safer 

For some leukemia patients, their only treatment option carries a risk of heart failure

Two women stand in front of a bookcase containing medical texts.

February 5, 2024

Making the invisible visible: New center explores equity in dementia care and caregiving 

The Center for Health Equity in Cognitive Aging will fund research, mentor faculty and connect with a national network

Pink Glove Dance Competition participants

January 29, 2024

Breast cancer test may make bad chemotherapy recommendations for Black patients 

Test may underestimate the benefit of chemotherapy for Black women, especially those who are young

January 24, 2024

Ultrasounds can help predict the risk of preterm births, new research shows 

This is the first method for assessing risk in first-time pregnancies

January 19, 2024

Atrial fibrillation in a dish enables drug discovery, personalized medicine

Collaboration between the College of Engineering and College of Medicine creates powerful new laboratory model

Physician and young patient

January 17, 2024

How to increase health equity among children  

Researchers offer policy solutions to counter structural racism affecting children’s health

January 17, 2024

Brush biopsy enables early detection of oral cancer without surgery

A new test invented by UIC researchers allows dentists to screen for oral cancer with a simple brush

Two women stand in front of bushes and a red brick building.

December 14, 2023

Menstrual cycles affect day-to-day suicide risk, UIC researchers find

Patients with a history of suicidality experience increased risk in the days surrounding menstruation

A transparent spherical cell with orange blobs inside travels through a lumpy red blood vessel.

December 12, 2023

How a blood vessel’s ‘zipper’ activates infection fighters 

Two new studies reveal how the lining of blood vessels affects immune response

December 6, 2023

Unearthing pathology of recent rise in black lung disease 

Results will help pathologists diagnose a new, more aggressive form of the disease

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