All University

October 10, 2012

Consequences of amending Constitution

On Nov. 6, the citizens of Illinois will be asked to vote on a proposal to amend the state constitution. The changes wrought by Constitutional Amendment 49 would affect every state university.

Dollar sign

September 12, 2012

U of I trustees approve FY13 budget

The U of I Board of Trustees approved a $5.4 billion budget for fiscal year 2013 — a 3.7 percent increase in day-to-day operating costs.

July 19, 2012

U of I Board Seats Student Trustees

Kenneth Thomas, UIC Honors College senior majoring in political science, was among three students seated to serve on the University of Illinois Board of Trustees for 2012-13 at a ceremony Thursday at the board’s July meeting in Chicago.

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July 18, 2012

Merit-based salary increases approved, despite tight budget

Although the University of Illinois faces a reduction in its state appropriation, careful fiscal planning means a 2 percent merit-based salary increase for employees.

Robert Easter

July 3, 2012

Easter starts job as UI president

“I can’t tell you the privilege I feel serving in this role,” Bob Easter told journalists and staff members Monday as he began his first official workday as 19th president of the University of Illinois.

May 24, 2012

U of I Foundation Closes Campaign, Tops Goal with $2.4 Billion

The University of Illinois closed out its eight-year Brilliant Futures Campaign with gifts and pledges of nearly $2.43 billion — 8 percent more than the $2.25 billion goal.

March 23, 2012

University of Illinois President Michael J. Hogan Resigns

University of Illinois President Michael J. Hogan has submitted his resignation to the Board of Trustees, and Chairman Christopher G. Kennedy has accepted it on behalf of the Board, the University announced Thursday.

January 23, 2012

Trustees Set Tuition for New Students

Guaranteed four-year tuition for incoming U of I students next fall will increase by 4.8 percent, or the equivalent of 1.9 percent per year during the four-year guarantee. The Board of Trustees passed the proposal, which ties tuition increases to the rate of inflation, at its meeting on campus Thursday.

January 19, 2012

Kennedy Re-elected U of I Board Chairman

Christopher G. Kennedy was re-elected to a third term as chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees today during its annual organizational meeting at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

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