All Students

February 5, 2013

Student shares research findings from trip to Bolivia

Cristian Yugsi, a sociology major who did study abroad in Bolivia last year, will present research based on his work in South America at the fifth annual Human Development Conference at the University of Notre Dame this weekend.

Kenan Thompson on stage

February 5, 2013

‘Saturday Night Live’ actor brings lots of laughs

Comedian Kenan Thompson had the audience singing along at a free show for UIC.

Kenan Thompson

January 29, 2013

‘Saturday Night Live’ comedian performs free show

Expect a lot of “LOL-ing” at the UIC Forum Thursday night.

Commuter Student Resource Center

January 29, 2013

Commuter center gets top award

The Commuter Student Resource Center received top honors for “innovative services.”

Adeola Adewola

January 29, 2013

Giving doctoral students a head start

For six students, graduate school is about to start a little sooner with the new PASSAGE program.

Corey Hamm

January 25, 2013

UIC presents free ‘Tuesdays-at-One’ concerts

UIC’s weekly Tuesdays-at-One concert series offers free performances by noted musicians.

Women's rugby team

January 22, 2013

Rugby teams compete with aggression, heart on field

The men’s and women’s rugby teams give you a chance to get fit, hit people and be social.

Mike Queroz

January 22, 2013

New semester gives students a clean slate

“I am UIC” blogger Mike Queroz looks at a new semester like a clean slate — another chance to start everything from scratch and on the right foot.

So far, so good.

water bottles with USG's logo

January 15, 2013

USG considers ban on disposable water bottles

Should UIC prohibit the sale of disposable water bottles on campus?

Nidal Ibourk and Dave Matthews

January 15, 2013

Speaking the universal language of music

Nidal Ibourk has traveled across the globe, performing her music to an international audience.

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