Campus News

The CTA Blue Line UIC-Halsted stop. Students can pick up their CTA U-Pass for spring semester, beginning this week. Photo: UIC
Need your U-Pass?
Students can pick up their CTA U-Pass at scheduled times beginning this week.
All full-time students are assessed a $109 nonrefundable CTA transportation fee during the fall semester for the pass, which is good for unlimited rides on CTA buses and trains during the academic sessions.
U-Passes can be picked up in 1790 Student Services Building on these days:
• 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. today through Friday, Jan. 15-18 and Jan. 22-25
• 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
For more information, email
Blackboard upgrade
The UIC Blackboard Learn system has been successfully upgraded to a new Blackboard-hosted environment.
The site is back up and running and students can now enroll in courses.
Download a beginning-of-the-semester checklist and read information about the new system and its features online.
Presenters wanted
Organizers of the annual Women’s Leadership Symposium, planned for June 6, are seeking volunteer presenters for two-hour workshops during the daylong event.
Presentations should take a broad view of leadership development, including career and workplace issues, work/life balance, self exploration and empowerment.
Submit proposals through Feb. 8 at or by fax at 312-413-8393.
Online tax information
Employees can sign up through Jan. 16 to receive their Form W-2 online.
Foreign national employees can now receive 1042-S tax form electronically.
Request an online W-2 or 1042-S form through NESSIE. The form is available through the “compensation” tab.
The 40,000 employees who received their W-2 electronically last year do not need to sign up again this year.
Employees who do not receive the W-2 electronically will be mailed a copy.
For more information, call 312-996-7200.
Read the news
The latest issue of APAC News is online.
Stories this month focus on pension legislation, long-term care insurance, new members of the Academic Professional Advisory Committee and more.
IT Forum
Information technology professionals can submit a proposal for a presentation and/or poster session for the UIC IT Professionals Forum.
The event, hosted April 3 at the UIC Forum, showcases how information technology at UIC supports the success of the university’s mission.
Paratransit service
The U-Pass program, which provides students with unlimited rides on CTA buses and trains, now includes paratransit services for eligible students.
To be eligible, students must present a certification letter from the RTA to the UIC ID Center. Eligible students will receive PACE ADA One Ride Tickets for paratransit services.
For more information, call the ID Center at 312-413-5940 or the Disability Resource Center at 312-413-2183.
Online community
A new listserv is dedicated to helping Iranian students at UIC share information and news on academic, cultural and social issues.
Students can signup for the listserv by sending an email to and writing “signup iran (your full name)” in the body of the email. The subject line should remain blank.
SharePoint support
The SharePoint Shared Service is a new business and collaboration platform available to units and departments.
SharePoint can be used for document storage, discussion boards, calendars, project management, business workflow, electronic forms, help-desk tickets and more.
To set up a site collection a unit or department, call Julia Hart at 217-244-3482 or email
Online employment verification
University employees who need employment verification to apply for a mortgage, rent an apartment or other purposes can use the online Employment Verification System available through NESSIE, the human resources website.
The online system provides immediate access to employment verification information.
Start the process at NESSIE by selecting the “Personal Info” tab, then establishing a “Vendor Access Number.” Provide the VAN number to the external business or vendor to give them access to your employment verification information.